How It Works
We strive to put you into the finest-performing clubs with every fitting at the best possible value.
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How to Prepare for Your Fitting
We will email you confirmation of your fitting day/time and directions to our location. Please follow OUR directions (vs your GPS) if coming to our UofR location, which can be a bit tricky to find. Update 2023 – We are actually very hard to find and we kind of like it that way. I’m all about being environmental but you may want to actually want to print out the directions to bring with you (my wife and kids will probably cringe when they read this)
Please feel free to arrive a bit early to warm up. We understand that some of you are driving from various lengthy distances, so please give your self adequate time to travel. On the same note, please don’t arrive so early that, by the time you start your fitting, you are soaking wet and worn out from hitting balls (ESPECIALLY DURING THE HEAT). We understand that those of you driving distances over an hour my arrive much earlier than anticipated. We have multiple putting and chipping greens, as well as a lounge, where you can spend time so that you are not just “beating balls” for over an hour and exerting yourself before you’ve even started your fitting. We also have two full locker rooms with showers so please let us know if you would like to shower/change after your fitting and we can have everything prepared. We also provide a full kitchen and conference room along with a workout room. These are great for your traveling companions (leashed dogs included) to hang out while you are being fit.
Please bring your current clubs to warm up with. It is also helpful for us to take a look and spec out your current equipment to better help us during your fitting.
Please let us know if you have any particular needs or requests for you or your companions prior to your fitting.
Please don’t over-do practicing or playing just prior to the fitting – just bring your normal game and we will build off of that.
What to Expect During Your Fitting
We encourage everyone scheduled to show up a few minutes early and we will have balls available for you to warm up. Once we get started we will guide you through all aspects of the fitting with the eventual goal of fitting you into the best performing club/clubs at the most reasonable price. You will find our fittings to be both enjoyable but also educational. The more you know about your equipment the better that equipment will perform for you. We also offer a full workout room two locker rooms with showers, kitchen, and conference room with a big comfy leather couch. If you will have a travel companion (including your leashed dog) please let us know so that we can provide you all with a fun and memorable experience.
What to Expect After Your Fitting
We will email you with a general breakdown of your custom clubs/custom build, which will include the fitting fee, custom club pricing, and total to include shipping, and sales tax. Having the capability to custom build any club we generally offer a VIP service to expedite your build (in some cases less than 2 days). If you are interested in this expedited vip service just let us know on the initial questionnaire that will be emailed to you when your private fitting is confirmed.
Depending upon the time of year and seemingly ongoing supply and shipping constraints, once the orders are placed we would anticipate a 2 week +/- window for most custom orders/builds (but again we do offer several VIP services). Once the orders ship we will email you tracking information if you are not picking up from us directly. After you have had ample time to break-in the clubs, please let us know and we can schedule your complimentary follow-up fitting. During the follow-up we will go over the performance of your custom clubs and having a tour trailer on site we can make any needed “tweaks” or changes needed to maximize the performance of your custom equipment.
Quick Links
Here are some links to more information on our fittings.
- Fitting Policies and Fees →
- Fitting Pricing and Budget →
- Launch Monitor Fitting →
- Adaptive Fitting →
- Gift Cards →