Hodson Golf

FRIENDLY WARNING/REMINDER – Don’t leave your clubs in the trunk with this heat

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So I just got another email from someone who’s head flew off and needs it repaired (5th one this week!). When it gets this hot, the temperature in your trunk is like an oven and will quickly break down the epoxy that secures the head to the shaft. Its just a good idea to keep you clubs in the garage or indoors when it gets really hot. Please check your clubs and if you see any separation from the ferrule (the black plastic piece) and the actual club head then you should take it by your local club-maker to have it checked out.

As always if your still hitting it sideways and the clubs look fine with no separation then just toss the bag as illustrated and come see Hodson Golf to get custom fit for clubs that do the job they are supposed to 🙂

Andrew Hodson

Andrew is proud to sit on the National Fitters Board with Callaway Golf and has been proudly designated as one of the top 100 fitting centers by Golf Digest ever since this prestigious designation began back in 2010.

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FRIENDLY WARNING/REMINDER – Don’t leave your clubs in the trunk with this heat

Andrew Hodson
Author Position
June 19, 2019

So I just got another email from someone who’s head flew off and needs it…

So I just got another email from someone who’s head flew off and needs it repaired (5th one this week!). When it gets this hot, the temperature in your trunk is like an oven and will quickly break down the epoxy that secures the head to the shaft. Its just a good idea to keep you clubs in the garage or indoors when it gets really hot. Please check your clubs and if you see any separation from the ferrule (the black plastic piece) and the actual club head then you should take it by your local club-maker to have it checked out.

As always if your still hitting it sideways and the clubs look fine with no separation then just toss the bag as illustrated and come see Hodson Golf to get custom fit for clubs that do the job they are supposed to 🙂

Andrew Hodson

Andrew is proud to sit on the National Fitters Board with Callaway Golf and has been proudly designated as one of the top 100 fitting centers by Golf Digest ever since this prestigious designation began back in 2010.

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FRIENDLY WARNING/REMINDER – Don’t leave your clubs in the trunk with this heat

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So I just got another email from someone who’s head flew off and needs it repaired (5th one this week!). When it gets this hot, the temperature in your trunk is like an oven and will quickly break down the epoxy that secures the head to the shaft. Its just a good idea to keep you clubs in the garage or indoors when it gets really hot. Please check your clubs and if you see any separation from the ferrule (the black plastic piece) and the actual club head then you should take it by your local club-maker to have it checked out.

As always if your still hitting it sideways and the clubs look fine with no separation then just toss the bag as illustrated and come see Hodson Golf to get custom fit for clubs that do the job they are supposed to 🙂

Andrew Hodson

Andrew is proud to sit on the National Fitters Board with Callaway Golf and has been proudly designated as one of the top 100 fitting centers by Golf Digest ever since this prestigious designation began back in 2010.

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