Oban is off to a great start this year with the new Kiyoshi Purple being their strongest shaft on all tours. I don’t know what’s going on with all the swing changes on tour but this year I’ve noticed the largest number of players moving towards higher launching shafts with low spin. Most tour shafts are normally geared towards low launch and low spin. The problem with the majority of shafts designed for higher launch is the tip section is generally too active and therefore not very stable/consistent. Low Launch/Low spin shafts are generally easier and less costly to make because they basically have stronger/stiffer tip section. The Kiyoshi purple is an awesome fairway wood shaft due to its high launch characteristics but surprisingly more and more low ball hitters on all tours (especially web.com) are putting this bad boy in their drivers with much success.
Andrew is proud to sit on the National Fitters Board with Callaway Golf and has been proudly designated as one of the top 100 fitting centers by Golf Digest ever since this prestigious designation began back in 2010.